
Our Curriculum

Dunstall Park Nursery allows pupils to begin their life-long learning journey in a happy, safe and inspiring learning environment. We provide a broad, balanced and vocabulary rich curriculum, carefully designed to develop the whole child. We know that children learn best through first-hand experiences of doing, touching and seeing for themselves through play. Children’s intellectual, social, emotional, creative and physical development are all developed through our Key Questions and Key Texts. At Dunstall Park, our Nursery children become explorers, superheroes and scientists!

Before children can read to learn, they must learn to read. At Dunstall Park Primary School, we are passionate about supporting nursery children’s developing understanding of early reading through oral phonics. We also love to encourage a passion for stories that take them on wild adventures or help them understand different emotions with our regular story sessions.

Nursery Hours

Our nursery offers 16 full time places and an additional 10 morning and 10 afternoon sessions.

Our nursery sessions:

Nursery opens: 8:40am

End of Morning Session: 11:40am

Afternoon Session: 12:20pm

End of Day: 3:20pm

Nursery is only open during school term time. Our wraparound provision is also open to nursery children.

Nursery Fees

Dunstall Park Nursery accepts children under the 15 and 30 hours Government funded scheme. To find out if you are eligible please visit:

Additional sessions can be booked via

Morning Session (8.40am – 11.40am) – £16

Afternoon Session (12.20pm – 3.20pm) – £16

Full day inc. lunchtime (8.40am – 3.20pm) – £32

Additional Information

Children in nursery should wear school uniform but can wear soft grey leggings or joggers on their lower half, if necessary. Further information regarding school uniform and where to buy it can be found on the school website under the Parent tab at the top.

If your child is staying for a full day, they are welcome to bring a packed lunch or you can purchase a hot school meal.

All children that attend Dunstall Park Primary School, from Nursery to Year 6 are able to access the before and after school wraparound care. Further information can be found on the school website under the Parent tab.

If you are interested in becoming a part of our community and would like to find out more, we would love to give you a tour. Tours can be booked by emailing